Thomas Hunter - VC

Thomas Hunter - VC
What does it take to earn the Victoria Cross?

Well if you're a Corporal in the Royal Marines, and your name is Thomas Hunter, and you have a Bren gun at the Battle of Lake Comacchio, here's a brief "by numbers" guide on how to secure one for yourself:⁠

1) Ping a load of German positions inside houses and quickly assess they will probably take out your entire troop - proceed to charge alone towards the enemy across 200 yards of open ground.⁠

2) When 6+ MG-42 positions open up on you, continue to charge, but fire your Bren gun from the hip for good measure.⁠

3) Once you reach the enemy occupied houses, don't bother waiting for support, just clear the houses yourself. Change magazines whilst on the move when necessary.⁠

4) Take 6 prisoners as the rest of the enemy falls back.⁠

5) When the rest of your troop get to you don't ask for support, ask for more ammunition.⁠

6) For a second time, offer yourself as a target and lay down fire at concrete pillboxes.⁠

Corporal Hunter continued to shout encouragement to his men whilst laying down fire until he was finally killed from a burst of machine gun fire - he was just 21 years old.⁠

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